Legacy Family Services

Why should you foster?
Let real foster parents from our agency tell you about their experiences…

What are the first steps to become a foster parent?

What was it like getting your first placement?

How did your family adjust to fostering?

Click here to Download a Free Guide on Becoming a Partner Parent

Legacy Family Services invites you to download the…

Complete Guide to Fostering in Bakersfield — by Martin Hansen

Learn how to become a foster parent and accomplish your goals of fostering children today.

At Legacy we work to advance your goals quickly and easily.

In this guide you will:

• Learn about the step by step process to becoming a foster parent.

• Find out how to qualify to be a foster parent. Its free and easy.

• Establish the truth behind common myths and misconceptions about fostering.

This guide is the result of over a decade of experience helping parents  successfully navigate foster care and achieve their family goals in both fostering and adoption.

Download your free copy now. 

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Click here to Contact us to learn more about the process
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Legacy Family Services



Changing terms can be confusing. What most people call foster familes, are now referred to by the State of California as Resource Families. Legacy refers to its foster families as “Partner Parents”. Here is the evolution of the terms;

Foster care refers to the system within a state that cares for minor children when it has been deemed by the court & a child protection agency that the child’s parents are unable to properly care for them.
Since January 1, 2017, Foster Parents are to no longer be referred to as Foster Parents/Families due to the implementation of the Resource Family Approval program. This new change allows Foster Parents (now Resource Families) to provide stability, nurturing, food & shelter, love, guidance, & protection to the children that are placed in their homes. It merges the adoption process with foster care, and makes it easier for “resource families” to navigate an adoption.
This unique act of service supported greatly by Legacy Family Services, gives to Resource Families the opportunity to continue their legacy of excellent parenting, to bless the lives of children in the community, & to receive for themselves the satisfaction that comes from opening their homes & hearts to children in crisis.
Children in the foster care system can remain with their Resource Parents for very short periods of time or for the extended periods. Some families are given the opportunity to adopt the children they foster.
Resource Families provide care to children as courts & social workers carry out their work to determine what is best for the long term needs of the children & how prepared their biological families may be to retain custody of them. During this time period, Resource Parents provide much needed stability & love to their foster children.
Legacy Family Services has differentiated themselves from any other foster family agency by referring to their parents as Partner Parents.
We believe that when you decide to undergo the valiant act of accepting a child into your home, we create a special partnership as we guide and support you from the very first question, to the placement of your child, to your journey as their parent; our legacy Partner Parents.

Click here to know more about the new “State” RFA Program

Legacy Family Services



Receive a brief Orientation over the phone or in person. We’ll answer all of your questions & address any concerns.


1. Fill out an application, basic budget information, & background disclosure.
2. Health screening.
3. Pass a background check.
4. Complete 12 hours of training.
5. Become certified in Child & Adult CPR/First Aide.
6. Psychosocial assessment (home study) & inspection.
7. Certification

Legacy Family Services



Still have questions? We’ve got answers.


• Who can be a Parent Partner?
Our families are as diverse as the children we serve. We welcome families or individuals, married, single, or domestic partnerships that are emotionally & financially stable & nurturing.
• How old do you have to be to become a Parent Partner?
A person must be at least 18 years of age.
• What do resource parents do?
Partner Parents are certified full time care givers for the foster children in their home. They provide for the child’s basic needs as they would do for their own children. Partner Parents work in partnership with Legacy social workers and become an integral part of the child’s treatment team to enable each child to reach developmental, academic, social, behavioral, emotional, and/or medical goals.
• How long does it take to become a Parent Partner?
The process takes anywhere between 6 weeks to 6 months depending on obstacles the individuals may have including a police record, financial abnormalities, or issues with their houses.
• What does it take to be a Parent Partner?
Individuals must pass a background check, have adequate income, & enough physical space in their home for additional children (i.e.–an unoccupied bedroom), they must also attend 12 hours of training, have a CPR/First aide certification, & submit to a home inspection.
• What is the biggest need in Foster Care?
Without a doubt, there is a need for loving homes for older children, ages 10 to 18, & large sibling groups. There is also a need for adoptive homes. That being said, there is a need for nurturing homes for foster children of all ages & circumstances.
• Do Parent Partners get to have a preference in what type of children they want to bring into their home?
Yes. Legacy is dedicated to finding the best fit for both the resource family & the child when placing a child in a home. Legacy respects your decisions in making placements into your home.
• Can Parent Partners say NO to a placement when a social worker calls?
Yes. The dialogue about the resource family’s preferences for children placed in their care begins at orientation & continues throughout the certification process. Prior to placement, Legacy social workers provide resource families with as much information about the child(ren) as possible & encourage the Parent Partners to the proper fit for your home.
• Do you get paid for being a Parent Partner?
No. Parent Partners receive reimbursement exclusively for the children’s maintenance.
• Are Parent Partners kept confidential?
Yes! All of your information is protected & shared only where the law permits or requires.
• Do the children placed with Parent Partners have their own medical & dental insurance?
Yes, foster children are Medi-Cal recipients.
• What type of children get placed in homes?
Each foster child is unique. Foster children placed in Legacy foster homes range from 0-20 years of age. These children have experienced varying degrees of abuse or neglect. Legacy does not place medically fragile, non- ambulatory, sexually aggressive, or children with a history of starting fires.
• How long will a child be placed in our home?
You will have opportunity for children from varying stages of foster care. You might have short term placements for a minimum of a few days to 3 months, or longer term placements from 3 to 18 months, or longer. Many Legacy foster homes accept guardianship or foster to adopt placements; which become much more permanent remaining in a home until they are adults. 

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